Slightly belated Happy 49th Anniversary to Doctor Who and, not coincidentally, to us. This lil’ol’site has also had an anniversary, our 15th. Somewhat awkward in human years, downright ancient by internet standards, but hopefully still kicking it for content.
When the site turned five on November 23rd, 2002 and adopted a continual display format, we passed the 10000 images in overall site content, with the 10,000th image shown to the right. Just two years ago on the 13th Anniversary, we had moved past 100000 images (with the 100,000th image shown below and left). Now at 15 we stand at over 167000 images. At this rate of growth having 200000 images in time for the 50th anniversary next year seems to be in sight. Many, many thanx for everyone who regularly uses the site and shares the content (particularly tumblr blogs… holy buckets do these sites love the Tour).
However this now special time of year running from the shows anniversary right through to Christmas and this years special is when we begin to breakout our own holiday offerings:
- Just in time for the anniversary, and completing our backward run through classic cap-itology, we present an expanded and improved set of caps for An Unearthly Child.
- As always at this time of year, we’ve dusted off our annual Holiday tradition…. The original Doctor Who Christmas special, The Feast of Steven.
- Re-instated the countdown clock for the upcoming Christmas special The Snowmen.
- Put through a relatively ‘small’ site update, about 1500 images.
We are also announcing our 50th Anniversary Project, 50 for 50 … The 50 Greatest Stories in Doctor Who History. This project will be running for almost an entire year and we’re asking for reader participation to make it go.
Thanks again for your patronage in making the Tour a Doctor Who resource. Onward to Christmas and what we’re sure will be an amazing year in Doctor Who History.