Well …. this is a familiar feeling. Betwixt ends of a series-ending two-parter, all of the promise laid down with care, All of that delicious anticipation, wondering what the resolution of so many elements will be, that is if they happen at all. And if they are, will it happen well.
Well … well … well.
As such, any real discussion regarding The Legend of Ruby Sunday, an analogue title for this digital age, must currently register as an incomplete until ‘Empire of Death’ finishes the ensemble. What the Tour isn’t conflicted about however is the return of Doctor Who’s truly great one-off villains, Sutekh from Pyramids of Mars.
This comeback, straight from our Hinchcliffe/Holmes infected heart, is designed to elicit the warm fuzzies from an all-time great story in the canon (and no, we won’t hear otherwise about this–it’s that good). But there are the inevitable trepidations that this will sully the memory of a story which aired 49 years ago. We’re reminded of The God Complex where it turns out the Nimon from The Horns of Nimon appear or Gridlock where the Macra from The Macra Terror show up. But whereas Nimon (kinda dumb) or the Macra (really obscure) could’ve used a spruce-up to reclaim their reputation, Sutekh doesn’t need the assist as it has always been venerated in our memory. Let’s hope ‘Empire of Death’ can stick the landing.
Images and 4k-caps for The Legend of Ruby Sunday are now online. All this and we didn’t mention Ruby–nor her legend–even once.