Another Anniversary, both for Doctor Who and this lil’ol’site, is upon us. 17 years for us and 51 for the show. This year, unlike the frenzy (all of it good) running up to the 50th, the Tour Brian Wizards find themselves in a reflective mood. It’s important to remember what a precious commodity this show is and the vast history and reach which continue to inform us both in the past and we feel sure in the future as well.
Usually we have a bunch of updates to present on our anniversary but the proximity, not to mention the rigors of Series 8 have made this relatively difficult, but we have managed to eke out a couple of updates:
- The triumphant of Classic Capitology with a new set of caps for The Five Doctors. To many this is still the Anniversary Special we remember most. These caps, while not adding much to overall Tour content, are from a considerably improved source.
- New images for the current Tardis team of Capaldi and Coleman with more images from the worldwide premiere Tour and other assorted images.
- We’ve also broken out images for Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury from The Patrick Troughton Miscellany.
While anniversaries are an excellent reason to look backward, this year the Tour is looking forward more than usual. Here are our goals for the year going forward.
- The usual holiday offerings, including some Modern Recap-itulation.
- A rather comprehensive site redesign. We’re overdue don’t you think?
- The ‘completion’ of the Tour. What does that mean? We have the opportunity to fill in as many missing gaps in Tour content, at least as far as we know pending the return of more missing episodes. This is the goal during the season gap before Series 9.
Thanx again for your patronage of the Tour. 17 years old is ancient by web standards. We’re still kicking it for content and are glad you here for the ride.