After months of percolation the first real site-wide update for 2012 hits, and it’s also the largest site-wide update in Tour history, adding over 6000 images to raise the overall image count over 145,000 whilst improving many, many others. One emphasis to get the Tour through this gap period between seasons is to improve the breadth and quality of the screencaps within Tour confines.
Many of the earliest caps included for the Tour were either unsorted or of relatively poor quality, and the goal until the fall return of the show is to improve this. We’re particularly proud of the revision to the 1996 TVM, which finally got everything ordered and improved the quality as well. Other stories included in this update which also had updates are The Daemons, Colony in Space, The Android Invasion, and The Robots of Death.
While we have quite a few other stories on tap to cap, as it were, we’re also in the market for cap submissions. If you (and you know who you are) have caps which fill or improve Tour content, let us know.
Other Tour notables with this update, William Russell Who Not Who! images have been broken out into their own section and the nascent Jenna-Louise Coleman Who Not Who! images has been updated yet again. That spans the entire run of the series doesn’t it?
As always, you can see which stories got updated by going to The Master List.