Spring is that season of renewal it’s often said, and so it is this year with Doctor Who. Nowadays the arrival (or announcement) of a new companion is greeted with almost as much fervor as that of a new Doctor.
And why not? It isn’t as though it happens very often, and since RTD used to change out the companion at season’s end during his run, there was an unintended sense of closure to that story and then onto the next chapter for the Doctor.
But the Moff as a student of Who history knows that, especially during the sixties, companions were changed as often as socks (Katarina of Sara Kingdom anyone?). It’s with this in mind that we welcome Jenna-Louise Coleman to the fold, and here at THT Towers we introduce her to the mania in the only way we know how. We’ve scoured the goodness of the interwebs to produce an initial gallery of images for her, some of the introductory announcement but others from various other sources. Lots of “red carpet” type situations of course but 200 or so images is a nice start.