Tour Updates

Classic Capitology ‘closes out’ another classic era of Doctor Who with a new set of caps for Attack of the Cybermen.  By any measure Colin Baker’s true…

Classic Capitology continues their relentless run before the new season takes them out-of-season with a revised set of caps for Resurrection of the Daleks.  A story originally meant to…

Classic Capitology begins the final push until Series 8 begins in August with a new set of caps for the William Hartnell story The Ark.  While technically a four-part…

Modern Recap-itulation continues in the Christmas spirit one more time with a new set of caps for The Christmas Invasion.  First stories for any new Doctor are always…

Frequent Tour denizens know that we hold the latest contribution to Modern Recap-itulation in very high esteem indeed.  RTD was quite canny in setting up the initial stories…