What curious timing this week that Modern Recap-itulation drops in with updated caps for World War Three because it’s certainly been chaotic here at THT Towers.  Months of server stability for various…

Being a completist (which canny Tour denizens might have gleaned from time to time) means covering the less-than-good along with the great.  Here’s a quick example.…

When Eric Saward was script editor during the JN-T era the scripts for The Caves of Androzani were a revelation in so many ways.  Despite having…

As in all things there are some Doctor Who stories which are neither loved or hated.  Heck they’re not even liked.  Hate is not the opposite…

Season 20 of the classic series was mostly regarded, even at the time as something of a well-intentioned failure.  JN-T was fully cognizant of the impending…