Busy time here at THT Worldwide, so much so that some of our usual attention to The Name of the Doctor will regrettably have to be delayed, and there is so much to say about the episode.
We will say this however, this story sits right at the top of our Series 7 Dynamic Ratings Table … and by a comfortable margin. If the THT Brain Trust could revise our personal list used for the 50 for 50 Countdown, this story would be in the top 20.
It was that good, and quite probably Matt Smith’s best episode. The Name of the Doctor wasn’t needlessly breathless, there was tons of fan service, but not at the expense of the story, and the story itself hung together and made sense.
The final reveal, while not wholly unexpected given image leaks that any terminally curious Doctor Who fan (such as yourself) would already be aware of, has very interesting implications, and how we integrate those questions into the next six months (and into the Tour), will help propel us forward.
Images for The Name of the Doctor are pretty much the bog standard that we have cobbled together from everywhere time and gumption would allow. Caps however (and there will be plenty we can tell) will have to wait for approximately a week while family obligations take precedence. We did have time enough though to throw a set of caps together for She Said, He Said.
More next week…