You could say it’s become a bit of a tradition. Each of the nu-Who Doctors, save for Eccleston, has now appeared in a Doctor Who ‘spin-off.’ …
Author: -- DSW
After a brief respite, the gents down in the bowels of Modern Recap-itulation Central get back to work with a fresh set of caps for The…
Fakers. One and all. And it’s no one’s fault really, except perhaps for the ambition of the production involved. This is especially true for Hollywood-based productions…
Following on from the new set of caps for Army of Ghosts is a similar set for Doomsday. After all of the set-up the previous week it is incumbent…
The goblins over at Modern Recap-itulation prepare to close out another season of faux nu-Who good-ity with a new set of caps for the penultimate episode of Series…