Canny readers of the Tour may have noticed that we think Anniversaries are kind of a big deal around here. One of the best things the Tour ever did was the 50 for 50 series, where four Doctor Who fans took turns counting down their favorite Doctor Who stories. Running for the whole of 2013, this was an exercise in showing other fans, not to mention ourselves, what it is that continues to draw us to this very particular show.
Ten years on, the Tour persists, as does Doctor Who, albeit a less constant presence in the culture than was the case a decade earlier. And while it simply wasn’t possible to sustain a similar project in this Anniversary year, it’s still important to celebrate these events, so we’re beginning a more traditional countdown to the 60th Anniversary.
Of course, there’s been a lot of Doctor Who in these intervening years, as well as a chance to further reflect on the original half-hundred. The thing now is, as we reflected upon at the time, is that something, rather several somethings, always fall through the cracks, and while I generally hold to the original list….
It was put together nearly 11 years ago (50 for 50 lists had to be submitted by December 15, 2012), and a story which once held sway may wane for any number of reasons.
60 for 60 begins soon.