To everything there is a Master List. At the risk of cheating and making you work through each of the Doctor’s index pages and then to the story itself, we’ll give you an easier shortcut getting from A to B by throwing a Master List together. In order to find stories with screen captures a little more easily, we’ve inserted a TV symbol ( or ) where appropriate into each of the Doctor’s index pages which links to the relevant SC page for that story. This should make these images more accessible as well.


CodeTitleSCAssistantsTimeOriginal Air Dates
AAn Unearthly ChildIan, Barbara, Susan1:3111/23/63to12/14/63
BThe Daleks (The Dead Planet)Ian, Barbara, Susan2:4112/21/63to2/1/64
CThe Edge of DestructionIan, Barbara, Susan0:462/8/64to2/15/64
DMarco PoloIan, Barbara, Susann/a2/22/64to4/4/64
EThe Keys of MarinusIan, Barbara, Susan2:194/11/64to5/16/64
FThe AztecsIan, Barbara, Susan1:335/23/64to6/13/64
GThe SensoritesIan, Barbara, Susan2:216/20/64to8/1/64
HThe Reign of TerrorIan, Barbara, Susann/a8/8/64to9/12/64
JPlanet of GiantsIan, Barbara, Susan1:1110/31/64to11/14/64
KThe Dalek Invasion of EarthIan, Barbara, Susan2:2011/21/64to12/26/64
LThe RescueIan, Barbara, Vicki0:491/2/65to1/9/65
MThe RomansIan, Barbara, Vicki1:331/16/65to2/6/65
NThe Web PlanetIan, Barbara, Vicki2:182/13/65to3/20/65
PThe CrusadesIan, Barbara, Vickin/a3/27/65to4/17/65
QThe Space MuseumIan, Barbara, Vicki1:264/24/65to5/15/65
RThe ChaseIan, Barbara, Vicki, Stephen2:095/22/65to6/26/65
SThe Time MeddlerVicki, Stephen1:307/3/65to7/24/65
TGalaxy FourVicki, Stephenn/a9/11/65to10/2/65
T/AMission to the Unknownn/a10/9/65
UThe Myth MakersVicki, Stephen, Katrinan/a10/16/65to11/6/65
VThe Daleks Master PlanStephen, Katrina, Saran/a11/13/65to1/29/66
WThe MassacreStephen, Dodon/a2/5/66to2/26/66
XThe ArkStephen, Dodo1:333/5/66to3/26/66
YThe Celestial ToymakerStephen, Dodon/a4/2/66to4/23/66
ZThe GunfightersStephen, Dodo1:294/30/66to5/21/66
AAThe SavagesStephen, Dodon/a5/28/66to6/18/66
BBThe War MachinesDodo, Polly, Ben1:286/25/66to7/16/66
CCThe SmugglersPolly, Benn/a9/10/66to10/1/66
DDThe Tenth PlanetPolly, Benn/a10/8/66to10/29/66
The William Hartnell Miscellany
William Hartnell — Who Not Who!
William Russell — Who Not Who!
Carole Ann Ford — Who Not Who!
Jacqueline Hill — Who Not Who!
Maureen O’Brien — Who Not Who!
Peter Purves — Who Not Who!
Anneke Wills — Who Not Who!
David Bradley — Who Not Who!
EEThe Power of the DaleksPolly, Benn/a11/5/66to12/10/66
FFThe HighlandersPolly, Ben, Jamien/a12/17/66to1/7/67
GGThe Underwater MenacePolly, Ben, Jamien/a1/14/67to2/4/67
HHThe MoonbasePolly, Ben, Jamien/a2/11/67to3/4/67
JJThe Macra TerrorPolly, Ben, Jamien/a3/11/67to4/1/67
KKThe Faceless OnesPolly, Ben, Jamien/a4/8/67to5/13/67
LLThe Evil of the DaleksPolly, Ben, Jamien/a5/20/67to7/1/67
MMThe Tomb of the CybermenJamie, Victorian/a9/2/67to9/23/67
NNThe Abominable SnowmenJamie, Victorian/a9/30/67to11/4/67
OOThe Ice WarriorsJamie, Victorian/a11/11/67to12/16/67
PPThe Enemy of the WorldJamie, Victorian/a12/23/67to1/27/68
QQThe Web of FearJamie, Victorian/a2/3/68to3/9/68
RRFury from the DeepJamie, Victorian/a3/16/68to4/20/68
SSThe Wheel in SpaceJamie, Zoen/a4/27/68to6/1/68
TTThe DominatorsJamie, Zoe1:548/10/68to9/7/68
UUThe Mind RobberJamie, Zoe1:349/14/68to10/12/68
VVThe InvasionJamie, Zoe, UNITn/a11/2/68to12/21/68
WWThe KrotonsJamie, Zoe1:2612/28/68to1/18/69
XXThe Seeds of DeathJamie, Zoe2:161/25/69to3/1/69
YYThe Space PiratesJamie, Zoen/a3/8/69to4/12/69
ZZThe War GamesJamie, Zoe4:004/19/69to6/21/69
The Patrick Troughton Miscellany
Patrick Troughton — Who Not Who!
Frazer Hines — Who Not Who!
Deborah Watling — Who Not Who!
Wendy Padbury — Who Not Who!
AAASpearhead From SpaceLiz, UNIT1:321/3/70to1/24/70
BBB(Doctor Who and)The SiluriansLiz, UNIT2:351/31/70to3/14/70
CCCThe Ambassadors of DeathLiz, UNIT2:413/21/70to5/2/70
DDDInfernoLiz, UNIT2:355/9/70to6/2/70
EEETerror of the AutonsJo, UNIT1:301/2/71to1/23/71
FFFThe Mind of EvilJo, UNIT2:161/30/71to3/6/71
GGGThe Claws of AxosJo, UNIT1:313/13/71to4/3/71
HHHColony in SpaceJo2:174/10/71to5/15/71
JJJThe DæmonsJo, UNIT1:535/22/71to6/19/71
KKKDay of the DaleksJo, UNIT1:291/1/72to1/22/72
MMMThe Curse of PeladonJo1:331/29/72to2/19/72
LLLThe Sea DevilsJo2:172/26/72to4/1/72
NNNThe MutantsJo2:184/8/72to5/13/72
OOOThe Time MonsterJo, UNIT2:175/20/72to6/24/72
RRRThe Three DoctorsJo, UNIT1:3412/30/72to1/20/73
PPPCarnival of MonstersJo1:341/27/73to2/17/73
QQQFrontier in SpaceJo2:242/24/73to3/31/73
SSSPlanet of the DaleksJo2:214/7/73to5/12/73
TTTThe Green DeathJo, UNIT2:345/19/73to6/23/73
UUUThe Time WarriorSarah, UNIT1:3112/15/73to1/5/74
WWWInvasion of the DinosaursSarah, UNIT2:271/12/74to2/16/74
XXXDeath to the DaleksSarah1:352/23/74to3/16/74
YYYThe Monster of PeladonSarah2:143/23/74to4/27/74
ZZZPlanet of the SpidersSarah, UNIT2:145/4/74to6/8/74
The Jon Pertwee Miscellany
Jon Pertwee — Who Not Who!
Roger Delgado — Who Not Who!
Nicholas Courtney — Who Not Who!
Caroline John — Who Not Who!
Katy Manning — Who Not Who!
4ARobotSarah, Harry, UNIT1:3112/28/74to1/18/75
4CThe Ark in SpaceSarah, Harry1:331/25/75to2/15/75
4BThe Sontaran ExperimentSarah, Harry0:492/22/75to3/1/75
4EGenesis of the DaleksSarah, Harry2:143/8/75to4/12/75
4DRevenge of the CybermenSarah, Harry1:314/19/75to5/10/75
4FTerror of the ZygonsSarah, Harry, UNIT1:328/30/75to9/20/75
4HPlanet of EvilSarah1:289/27/75to10/18/75
4GPyramids of MarsSarah1:3310/25/75to11/15/75
4JThe Android InvasionSarah, Harry, UNIT1:3011/22/75to12/13/75
4KThe Brain of MorbiusSarah1:331/3/76to1/24/76
4LThe Seeds of DoomSarah2:161/31/76to3/6/76
4MThe Masque of MandragoraSarah1:339/4/76to9/25/76
4NThe Hand of FearSarah1:3410/2/76to10/23/76
4PThe Deadly Assassin1:2910/30/76to11/20/76
4QThe Face of EvilLeela1:341/1/77to1/22/77
4RThe Robots of DeathLeela1:311/29/77to2/19/77
4SThe Talons of Weng-ChiangLeela2:162/26/77to4/2/77
4VHorror of Fang RockLeela1:309/3/77to9/24/77
4TThe Invisible EnemyLeela, K-9 I1:2710/1/77to10/22/77
4XImage of the FendahlLeela, K-9 I1:2910/29/77to11/19/77
4WThe SunmakersLeela, K-9 I1:2911/26/77to12/17/77
4YUnderworldLeela, K-9 I1:221/7/78to1/28/78
4ZThe Invasion of TimeLeela, K-9 I2:202/4/78to3/11/78
5AThe Ribos OperationRomana I, K-9 II1:359/2/78to9/23/78
5BThe Pirate PlanetRomana I, K-9 II1:379/30/78to10/21/78
5CThe Stones of BloodRomana I, K-9 II1:3110/28/78to11/18/78
5DThe Androids of TaraRomana I, K-9 II1:3211/25/78to12/16/78
5EThe Power of KrollRomana I, K-9 II1:2312/23/78to1/13/79
5FThe Armageddon FactorRomana I, K-9 II2:181/20/79to2/24/79
5JDestiny of the DaleksRomana II, K-9 II1:349/1//79to9/22/79
5HCity of DeathRomana II, K-9 II1:339/29/79to10/20/79
5GThe Creature from the PitRomana II, K-9 II1:3110/27/79to11/17/79
5KNightmare of EdenRomana II, K-9 II1:2811/24/79to12/15/79
5LThe Horns of NimonRomana II, K-9 II1:3412/22/79to1/12/80
5MShadaRomana II, K-9 II1:50Never Aired
5NThe Leisure HiveRomana II, K-9 II1:178/30/80to9/20/80
5QMeglosRomana II, K-9 II1:179/27/80to10/18/80
5RFull CircleRomana II, K-9 II, Adric1:2310/25/80to11/15/80
5PState of DecayRomana II, K-9 II, Adric1:2611/22/80to12/13/80
5SWarrior’s GateRomana II, K-9 II, Adric1:251/3/81to1/24/81
5TThe Keeper of TrakenAdric, Nyssa1:291/31/81to2/21/81
5VLogopolisAdric, Nyssa, Tegan1:322/28/81to3/21/81
The Tom Baker Miscellany
Tom Baker — Who Not Who!
Elizabeth Sladen — Who Not Who!
Ian Marter — Who Not Who!
Louise Jameson — Who Not Who!
Mary Tamm — Who Not Who!
Matthew Waterhouse — Who Not Who!
Lalla Ward — Who Not Who!
5ZCastrovalvaAdric, Nyssa, Tegan1:261/4/82to1/12/82
5WFour to DoomsdayAdric, Nyssa, Tegan1:291/18/82to1/26/82
5YKindaAdric, Nyssa, Tegan1:302/1/82to2/9/82
5XThe VisitationAdric, Nyssa, Tegan1:292/15/82to2/23/82
6ABlack OrchidAdric, Nyssa, Tegan0:473/1/82to3/2/82
6BEarthshockAdric, Nyssa, Tegan1:303/8/82to3/16/82
6CTime-FlightNyssa, Tegan1:313/22/82to3/30/82
6EArc of InfinityNyssa, Tegan1:331/3/83to1/11/83
6DSnakedanceNyssa, Tegan1:311/17/83to1/25/83
6FMawdryn UndeadNyssa, Tegan, Turlough1:312/1/83to2/9/83
6GTerminusNyssa, Tegan, Turlough1:322/15/83to2/23/83
6HEnlightenmentTegan, Turlough1:303/1/83to3/9/83
6JThe King’s DemonsTegan, Turlough0:483/15/83to3/16/83
6KThe Five DoctorsLots and Lots1:3011/25/83
6LWarriors of the DeepTegan, Turlough1:301/5/84to1/13/84
6MThe AwakeningTegan, Turlough0:481/19/84to1/20/84
6NFrontiosTegan, Turlough1:311/26/84to2/3/84
6PResurrection of the DaleksTegan, Turlough1:312/8/84to2/15/84
6QPlanet of FireTurlough, Peri1:302/23/84to3/2/84
6RThe Caves of AndrozaniPeri1:333/8/84to3/16/84
The Peter Davison Miscellany
Peter Davison — Who Not Who!
Janet Fielding — Who Not Who!
Sarah Sutton — Who Not Who!
Mark Strickson — Who Not Who!
Anthony Ainley — Who Not Who!
6SThe Twin DilemmaPeri1:323/22/84to3/30/84
6TAttack of the CybermenPeri1:271/5/85to1/12/85
6VVengeance on VarosPeri1:271/19/85to1/26/85
6XThe Mark of the RaniPeri1:272/2/85to2/9/85
6WThe Two DoctorsPeri2:092/16/85to3/2/85
6ZRevelation of the DaleksPeri1:273/23/85to3/30/85
7AThe Mysterious PlanetPeri1:319/6/86to9/22/86
7CTerror of the VervoidsMel1:3111/1/86to11/22/86
7CThe Ultimate FoeMel0:5311/29/86to12/6/86
The Colin Baker Miscellany
Colin Baker — Who Not Who!
Nicola Bryant — Who Not Who!
Bonnie Langford — Who Not Who!
7DTime and the RaniMel1:309/7/87to9/28/87
7EParadise TowersMel1:3010/5/87to10/26/87
7FDelta and the BannermenMel1:0811/2/87to11/16/87
7GDragonfireMel, Ace1:0811/23/87to12/7/87
7HRemembrance of the DaleksAce1:3110/5/88to10/26/88
7LThe Happiness PatrolAce1:1111/2/88to11/16/88
7KSilver NemesisAce1:1011/23/88to12/7/88
7JThe Greatest Show in the GalaxyAce1:3212/14/88to1/4/89
7QGhost LightAce1:0910/4/89to10/18/89
7MThe Curse of FenricAce1:3210/25/89to11/15/89
The Sylvester McCoy Miscellany
Sylvester McCoy — Who Not Who!
Sophie Aldred — Who Not Who!
7YThe Enemy WithinGrace1:2505/14/96
7ZThe Night of the Doctor0:07
The Paul McGann Miscellany
Paul McGann — Who Not Who!
John Hurt — Who Not Who!
The Richard E Grant Miscellany
8BThe End of the WorldRose0:454/02/05
8CThe Unquiet DeadRose0:454/09/05
8DAliens of LondonRose0:454/16/05
8EWorld War ThreeRose0:454/23/05
8GThe Long GameRose0:455/07/05
8HFather’s DayRose0:455/14/05
8JThe Empty ChildRose0:455/21/05
8KThe Doctor DancesRose, Captain Jack0:455/28/05
8LBoom TownRose, Captain Jack0:456/04/05
8MBad WolfRose, Captain Jack0:456/11/05
8NThe Parting of the WaysRose, Captain Jack0:456/18/05
The Christopher Eccleston Miscellany
Christopher Eccleston — Who Not Who
Billie Piper — Who Not Who!
John Barrowman — Who Not Who!
2005 Children in Need SpecialRose0:0811/18/05
8OThe Christmas InvasionRose0:6012/25/05
8PNew EarthRose0:454/15/06
8QTooth and ClawRose0:454/22/06
8RSchool ReunionRose, Mickey0:454/29/06
8SThe Girl in the FireplaceRose, Mickey0:455/06/06
8TRise of the CybermenRose, Mickey0:455/13/06
8UThe Age of SteelRose, Mickey0:455/20/06
8VThe Idiot’s LanternRose0:455/27/06
8WThe Impossible PlanetRose0:456/03/06
8XThe Satan PitRose0:456/10/06
8YLove & MonstersRose0:456/17/06
8ZFear HerRose0:456/24/06
9AArmy of GhostsRose0:457/01/06
9CThe Runaway BrideDonna0:6012/25/06
9DSmith and JonesMartha0:453/31/07
9EThe Shakespeare CodeMartha0:454/07/07
9GDaleks in ManhattanMartha0:454/21/07
9HEvolution of the DaleksMartha0:454/28/07
9JThe Lazarus ExperimentMartha0:455/05/07
9LHuman NatureMartha0:455/2607
9MThe Family of BloodMartha0:456/02/07
9OUtopiaMartha, Captain Jack0:456/16/07
9PThe Sound of DrumsMartha, Captain Jack0:456/23/07
9QLast of the Time LordsMartha, Captain Jack0:506/30/07
2007 Children in Need Special5th Doctor0:0811/16/07
9RVoyage of the DamnedAstrid0:7212/25/07
9SPartners in CrimeDonna0:454/05/08
9TThe Fires of PompeiiDonna0:454/12/08
9UPlanet of the OodDonna0:454/19/08
9VThe Sontaran StratagemDonna, Martha0:454/26/08
9WThe Poison SkyDonna, Martha0:455/03/08
9XThe Doctor’s DaughterDonna, Martha0:455/10/08
9YThe Unicorn and the WaspDonna0:455/17/08
9ZSilence in the LibraryDonna0:455/31/08
10AForest of the DeadDonna0:456/07/08
10CTurn LeftDonna0:456/21/08
10DThe Stolen EarthDonna, Martha, Rose, Captain Jack, Sarah0:456/28/08
10EJourney’s EndDonna, Martha, Rose, Captain Jack, Sarah0:657/05/08
10FThe Next DoctorJackson Lake0:6012/25/08
10GPlanet of the DeadLady Christina0:594/11/09
10HThe Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith0:5510/29-30/09
10JThe Waters of MarsAdelaide1:0211/15/09
10KThe End of Time Pt IWilf0:6012/25/09
10LThe End of Time Pt IIWilf1:131/01/10
The David Tennant Miscellany
David Tennant — Who Not Who!
Freema Agyeman — Who Not Who!
Catherine Tate — Who Not Who!
John Simm — Who Not Who
10MThe Eleventh HourAmy1:054/03/10
10NThe Beast BelowAmy0:454/10/10
10OVictory of the DaleksAmy0:454/17/10
10PThe Time of AngelsAmy0:454/24/10
10QFlesh and StoneAmy0:455/01/10
10RThe Vampires of VeniceAmy, Rory0:455/08/10
10SAmy’s ChoiceAmy, Rory0:455/15/10
10TThe Hungry EarthAmy, Rory0:455/22/10
10UCold BloodAmy, Rory0:455/29/10
10VVincent and the DoctorAmy0:456/05/10
10WThe LodgerAmy0:456/12/10
10XThe Pandorica OpensAmy, Rory0:456/19/10
10YThe Big BangAmy, Rory0:556/26/10
10ZDeath of the DoctorSarah Jane, Jo0:5010/25/09 to 10/26/09
11AA Christmas CarolAmy, Rory1:0212/25/10
2011 Comic Relief SpecialAmy, Rory0:083/18/11
The Impossible Astronaut — Prequel0:023/22/11
11BThe Impossible AstronautAmy, Rory, River0:454/23/11
11CDay of the MoonAmy, Rory, River0:454/30/11
The Curse of the Black Spot – Prequel0:024/30/11
11DThe Curse of the Black SpotAmy, Rory0:455/7/11
11EThe Doctor’s WifeAmy, Rory0:455/14/11
11FThe Rebel FleshAmy, Rory0:455/21/11
11GThe Almost PeopleAmy, Rory0:455/28/11
A Good Man Goes to War – Prequel0:025/28/11
11HA Good Man Goes to WarAmy, Rory, River0:506/4/11
Let’s Kill Hitler – Prequel0:028/15/11
11JLet’s Kill HitlerAmy, Rory, River0:508/27/11
11KNight TerrorsAmy, Rory0:459/3/11
11LThe Girl Who WaitedAmy, Rory0:459/10/11
11MThe God ComplexAmy, Rory0:489/17/11
11NClosing TimeCraig0:459/24/11
The Wedding of River Song – Prequel0:019/24/11
11OThe Wedding of River SongAmy, Rory, River0:4510/1/11
The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe – Prequel0:0112/6/11
11PThe Doctor, The Widow, and the WardrobeMadge Arwell0:6012/25/11
Pond LifeAmy, Rory0:058/27/12 – 8/31/12
Asylum of the Daleks — Prequel0:039/1/12
11QAsylum of the DaleksAmy, Rory0:489/1/12
11RDinosaurs on a SpaceshipAmy, Rory0:459/8/12
A Town Called Mercy — Prequel0:029/16/12
11SA Town Called MercyAmy, Rory0:459/15/12
11TThe Power of ThreeAmy, Rory0:419/22/12
11UThe Angels Take ManhattanAmy, Rory0:459/29/12
11VThe SnowmenClara0:6012/25/12
The Bells of St. John — Prequel0:033/23/13
11WThe Bells of St. JohnClara0:453/30/13
11XThe Rings of AkhatenClara0:454/6/13
11YCold WarClara0:454/13/13
12AJourney to the Centre of the TARDISClara0:454/27/13
12BThe Crimson HorrorClara0:455/4/13
12CNightmare in SilverClara0:455/11/13
She Said, He SaidClara0:045/11/13
12DThe Name of the DoctorClara0:455/18/13
The Day of the Doctor — Prequel0.0211/21/13
12EThe Day of the Doctor (50th Anniversary!)Clara1:1511/23/13
12FThe Time of the DoctorClara1:0112/25/13
Night and the Doctor: Good NightAmy0:05
Night and the Doctor: Bad NightAmy, Rory0:03
Night and the Doctor: First NightRiver0:04
Night and the Doctor: Last NightRiver0:05
The Matt Smith Miscellany
Matt Smith — Who Not Who!
Karen Gillan — Who Not Who!
Arthur Darvill — Who Not Who!
Alex Kingston — Who Not Who!
Jenna Coleman — Who Not Who!
12GDeep BreathClara1:168/23/14
12HInto the DalekClara0:478/30/14
12JRobot of SherwoodClara0:479/6/14
12LTime HeistClara0:459/20/14
12MThe CaretakerClara0:459/27/14
12NKill the MoonClara0:4510/4/14
12OMummy on the Orient ExpressClara0:4610/11/14
12QIn the Forest of the NightClara0:4510/25/14
12RDark WaterClara0:4511/1/14
12SDeath in HeavenClara0:6011/8/14
12TLast ChristmasClara0:6012/25/14
Series 9 Prologue0:02
The Doctor’s Meditation0:07
12UThe Magician’s ApprenticeClara0:469/19/15
12VThe Witch’s FamiliarClara0:479/26/15
12WUnder the LakeClara0:4410/3/15
12XBefore the FloodClara0:4210/10/15
12YThe Girl Who DiedClara0:4510/17/15
12ZThe Woman Who Lived0:4510/24/15
13AThe Zygon InvasionClara0:4510/31/15
13BThe Zygon InversionClara0:4611/7/15
13CSleep No MoreClara0:4611/14/15
13DFace the RavenClara0:4711/21/15
13EHeaven Sent0:5411/28/15
13FHell BentClara1:0112/5/15
13GThe Husbands of River SongRiver0:5712/25/15
Introducing BillBill0:024/23/16
13HFor Tonight We Might Die (Class)0:5110/22/16
13JThe Return of Doctor MysterioNardole0:6012/25/16
13KThe PilotNardole, Bill0:504/15/17
13LSmileNardole, Bill0:464/22/17
13MThin IceNardole, Bill0:444/29/17
13NKnock KnockNardole, Bill0:445/6/17
13OOxygenNardole, Bill0:455/13/17
13PExtremisNardole, Bill0:495/20/17
13QThe Pyramid at the End of the WorldNardole, Bill0:465/27/17
13RThe Lie of the LandNardole, Bill0:456/3/17
13SEmpress of MarsNardole, Bill0:446/10/17
13TThe Eaters of LightNardole, Bill0:426/17/17
13UWorld Enough and TimeNardole, Bill0:466/24/17
13VThe Doctor FallsNardole, Bill0:607/1/17
13WTwice Upon a Time1st Doctor, Bill0:6012/25/17
The Peter Capaldi Miscellany
Peter Capaldi — Who Not Who!
Pearl Mackie — Who Not Who!
Matt Lucas — Who Not Who!
Michelle Gomez — Who Not Who!
Meet Jodie Whittaker0:017/16/17
13XThe Woman Who Fell to EarthRyan, Yaz, Graham1:0210/7/18
13YThe Ghost MonumentRyan, Yaz, Graham0:4810/14/18
13ZRosaRyan, Yaz, Graham0:4710/21/18
14AArachnids in the UKRyan, Yaz, Graham0:4910/28/18
14BThe Tsuranga ConundrumRyan, Yaz, Graham0:5111/4/18
14CDemons of the PunjabRyan, Yaz, Graham0:5011/11/18
14DKerblam!Ryan, Yaz, Graham0:5011/18/18
14EThe WitchfindersRyan, Yaz, Graham0:4711/25/18
14FIt Takes You AwayRyan, Yaz, Graham0:4912/2/18
14GThe Battle of Ranskoor Av KolosRyan, Yaz, Graham0:5012/9/18
14HResolutionRyan, Yaz, Graham0:601/1/19
14JSpyfall – Part 1Ryan, Yaz, Graham0:601/1/20
14KSpyfall – Part 2Ryan, Yaz, Graham0:601/5/20
14LOrphan 55Ryan, Yaz, Graham0:461/12/20
14MNikola Tesla’s Night of TerrorRyan, Yaz, Graham0:501/19/20
14NFugitive of the JudoonRyan, Yaz, Graham0:501/26/20
14OPraxeusRyan, Yaz, Graham0:502/2/20
14PCan You Hear Me?Ryan, Yaz, Graham0:502/9/20
14QThe Haunting of Villa DiodatiRyan, Yaz, Graham0:502/16/20
14RAscension of the CybermenRyan, Yaz, Graham0:502/23/20
14SThe Timeless ChildrenRyan, Yaz, Graham1:063/1/20
14TRevolution of the DaleksRyan, Yaz, Graham, Captain Jack1:111/1/21
14UFlux – Chapter 1: The Halloween ApocalypseYaz, Dan0:5010/31/21
14VFlux – Chapter 2: War of the SontaransYaz, Dan1:0011/7/21
14WFlux – Chapter 3: Once, Upon TimeYaz, Dan0:4911/14/21
14XFlux – Chapter 4: Village of the AngelsYaz, Dan0:5711/21/21
14YFlux – Chapter 5: Survivors of the FluxYaz, Dan0:5111/28/21
14ZFlux – Chapter 6: The VanquishersYaz, Dan0:5912/5/21
15AEve of the DaleksYaz, Dan0:581/1/22
15BLegend of the Sea DevilsYaz, Dan0:474/17/22
15CThe Power of the DoctorYaz, Dan, Tegan, Ace1:2710/23/22
The Jodie Whittaker Miscellany
Jodie Whittaker — Who Not Who!
Bradley Walsh — Who Not Who!
Mandip Gill — Who Not Who!
Tosin Cole — Who Not Who!
John Bishop — Who Not Who!
Jo Martin — Who Not Who!
15DThe Star BeastDonna0:5711/25/23
15EWild Blue YonderDonna0:5412/02/23
15FThe GiggleDonna1:0112/09/23
15GThe Church on Ruby RoadRuby0:5512/25/23
15HSpace BabiesRuby0:465/11/24
15JThe Devil’s ChordRuby0:505/11/24
15L73 YardsRuby0:475/25/24
15MDot and BubbleRuby0:436/1/24
15OThe Legend of Ruby SundayRuby0:456/15/24
15PEmpire of DeathRuby0:546/22/24
15QJoy to the World??0:6012/25/24
The Ncuti Gatwa Miscellany
Ncuti Gatwa — Who Not Who!
Millie Gibson — Who Not Who!
Varada Sethu — Who Not Who!

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