Today, November 23rd, marks the 11th Anniversary of The Day of the Doctor, or the 41st Anniversary of The Five Doctors, or even (respectively) the 37th, 38th,…
Been all too long since we sojourned through the benign carnage which comprised the 24th Season of the classic series, this time literally gate-crashing onto Delta…
This is a first (of sorts). Classic Capitology drops by with the last Sylvester McCoy story to be fully capped with a new set of caps for Delta and the Bannermen. With the…
The lads over in Classic Capitology pulled a fast one on the THT Supremos with their latest addition. The argument put forward was that if they…
My ‘proper’ # 11 in the top 50 breakdown, is the classic Pyramids of Mars, but since that’s already had it’s chance here, I’ll move on…