Share Twitter Tumblr Here it is, the long overdue and always highly subjective 2008 Dynamic Ratings Table, based on nothing more than the tips of the THT Collective Nose Trust. See if this list tallies with your own musings. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead Planet of the Ood Midnight Turn Left The Fires of Pompeii The Unicorn and the Wasp The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End Partners in Crime The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky The Doctor’s Daughter Short Hops: The Series 8 Dynamic Ratings Table 2007 Dynamic Ratings Table The Series 10 Dynamic Ratings Table The Poison Sky The Doctor's Daughter. Series 4 Partners in Crime The Unicorn and the Wasp Roundel Roundabouts Planet of the Ood Silence in the Library Forest of the Dead The Stolen Earth Turn Left Journey's End Midnight The Sontaran Stratagem The Fires of Pompeii