faulty.gif (325803 bytes)After somewhat unexpectedly taking the first half of 1988 off (for a very simple reason, after exhausting ourselves on Fallout it took awhile for us to regroup and when we did, no one had any good ideas!), 1988 would turn out to be a fairly productive year.  The trilogy was over, but the characters--albeit in somewhat different positions--remained, and the sources of inspiration turned away from Doctor Who to other genres, all folded into an overall Doctor Who context.

As Doctor Who fans are almost without question Anglo-philes by extension, it seems inevitable that other widely known staples of British culture would provide inspiration for our videos.  Monty Python is an obvious choice, and one those used by the Federation before us.

The most important casting addition, a character who would follow through in almost every video that followed, was Pete DePalma as Adric.  It quickly developed that Adric's presence in any video was simple...to be abused, always a necessity in our line of humor.

Synopsis: JN-T is having endless problems getting a 5th Doctor episode in the can.  BBC tours disrupt his scheduling, but most importantly Adric is...well... Adric.  Chaos... and a small fire ensue.

Length: 20  minutes
Written byJerry Dauost
Directed by: Sue Batholomew

The Poster:  A terrific hand-drawn poster with wonderful caricatures.  Overall the best poster in the series.

Ordering:  Information on obtaining any of our videos can be found on the order page.  

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