Even back in late 1988/early1989 it was becoming apparent that the
movement, make that the distinct lack thereof, in the making of a Doctor Who theatrical
movie was going nowhere. Perfect fodder for parody. Combine that with the
author's unnatural obsession with Star Trek: The Motion Picture as (and
still is) the best of the Star Trek movies, lifted by Jerry Goldsmith's amazing score for
the movie, puree it all together and Voila!
This video marked Matt's last appearance as Peri.
Synopsis: A mysterious masked stranger receives his destiny... to star in a Doctor Who movie! On the way to the BBC, he meets up with Adric. At the BBC, he wins the movie lead in a poker game from JN-T. Only one problem... Mikey Grade comes along to cancel the movie. Watch out for the twist ending!
Length: 39 minutes
Written by: David Weides
Directed by: David WeidesThe Poster: The first of the computer posters! Done in Windows Paint v1.04 (remember it was 1989) as a gloriously 2-bit black or white production. The poster is an homage to the classic poster for Star Trek: The Motion Picture--for which the video itself bears some resemblance. Not very sophisticated--but what a learning experience!
Ordering: Information on obtaining any of our videos can be found on the order page.