There began to be a sense that our time is a group was drawing two
close. This idea had been rummaging around for a while, and was rushed into
production immediately after the Blues Cousins to beat the winter snows
in the late Autumn of 1990. For a long time this was our last complete production,
but therein lies another tale.
Synopsis: Companions are being shrunk to the size of anatomically incorrect children's toys. The 5th Doctor, along with his partner Adric, is sent in to investigate. The Master seems to be an obvious culprit, but what about his unstable ex-wife? What does it all have to do with shaving cream? And how many times can Adric die during a video?
Length: 45 minutes
Written by: David Weides
Directed by: David WeidesThe Poster: Another computer wonder! Although more sophisticated in terms of drawing style, it is still a 2-bit, black and white wonder which works rather well.
Ordering: Information on obtaining any of our videos can be found on the order page.